Kitchen Commanders: Episode 1

As promised, we present to you our very first guest blogger, our Kitchen Commander: Aparna. We’ve been ardent followers of hers on Instagram, and we are greatly motivated by her passion for cooking and trying out new cuisines. Her love for cooking has in fact crossed continents. She traveled all the way to the beautiful…

Eat Like The Locals: Hyderabad

The Nizam, Kohinoor, Biryani, and Char Minar are all synonymous to Hyderabad. This Nawabi Shehar which is known for its rich cultural history, biryanis, kebabs and biscuits offered a treat to all my senses. My food journey within the southern state was quite satiating. It began in the holy mountains of Sri Sailam. My day…

Eat Like The Locals: Delhi

There are two reasons why my recent trip to Delhi would go down as one of the best vacations I’ve ever had. The first one would be watching Roger Federer play his arch nemesis Rafael Nadal in the IPTL. And the second one would be sampling Delhi’s mouth watering food. As soon as I booked…